Australian and other resources

The resources listed below are either sourced from within Australia or internationally, and have resonated with the Teaching Pyramid Facilitator, Riverina.  In this way, the articles are listed to provoke thoughtful discussions and aim to support the implementation of the Targeted Social Emotional Supports in your services and at home.
National Quality Framework, Early Years Learning Framework, Quality Improvement Plans
NQS Professional Learning in Practice – Talking About Practice
NQS  Discovering Series
NQS Professional Learning in Practice – Case Studies
On the Same Page DVD:  Social and Communication Strategies to Support Young Children with Challenging Behaviours
Specific for the age group zero to three in the same model as the TP:
Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Centre:                        
KidsMatter – specific eBook re. social and emotional skills.  Use the website for other info.
A fantastic approach to responding to anxiety
Resilience and why relationships are pivotal

The Pyramid Model in action!  A video depicting the benefits in EC service, family and community perspective.